Opt-In to Email

    To opt in to receiving emails, please provide your information below.


    By providing your email address and Electronic Signature below, you authorize The Bureaus, Inc. and its agents or service providers to contact you via email to deliver important information about your accounts, including, but not limited to, the balance, creditor and validation information, disclosures about your accounts and/or legal rights, and to facilitate payments, transmit receipts, and/or deliver advertisements or telemarketing messages. This includes messages or legally required disclosures about your rights that may be sent in attachment or link contained in an email that may require you to take additional steps or action to view, to the extent permitted by law.

    You are not required to provide this consent as a condition of your ability to communicate and interact with The Bureaus, Inc. to manage your accounts, or to receive information from The Bureaus, Inc. and that you may instead refuse to provide or withdraw this consent without any condition, consequence, or fees by going to The Bureaus, Inc Contact page and clicking OptOut Form. The Bureaus, Inc. may not need your affirmative consent to send some emails, and may also send additional paper communications.

    You may obtain a copy of any document or communication in paper form in addition to your access to the document or communication in electronic form at any time upon request.
    Delivery of electronic documents will be considered “in writing” and you intend that the electronic documents or communications have the same legal effect as written and signed paper documents or communications. In order to use electronic signatures and to receive any document or communication electronically, you must have: a computer, mobile device, or other electronic device with internet access, an active email address, and a program that reads and displays PDF files such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will be notified of any changes to the hardware and/or software requirements that may create a material risk that you will not be able to receive, view, print or save a document or communication.

    You may receive a paper copy of any document or communication by calling The Bureaus, Inc at 847-328-4300 or by submitting a document request in writing to The Bureaus, Inc at P.O. Box 1277, Bedford Park, Illinois 60499-1277. The document request must contain your account number, name, contact phone number and a description of the document you are requesting and must be signed by you. You will not be charged a copy fee for documents.

    You are responsible for informing The Bureaus, Inc of any change in your email address. You can update your email address by visiting our Email Opt-In page or by contacting The Bureaus, Inc at 877-887-4824 or 847-328-4300.

    By providing this email address and signing below, you certify that it is correct and that you are the primary or customary user, email account holder, or have otherwise obtained consent to receive communications and use this email address for this purpose. You understand private information about your accounts and/or sensitive financial information may be sent to this email address and you agree to the use and validity of an electronic signature and that information relating to this consent can be provided to you by the below email address for that purpose.

    Do you no longer wish to receive emails from The Bureaus, Inc.? You can stop receiving email from The Bureaus, Inc, by:

    Clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email you have received.
    Calling (877) 887-4824 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm CST (Mon-Thurs) and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CST (Fri)
    Responding to any email you have received or emailing [email protected]
    Writing to The Bureaus, Inc. 711 N Edgewood Ave. Suite 200 Wood Dale, IL 60191

    Regardless of how you choose to notify us, we will honor all requests to stop further email communication. Once you’ve submitted a request to opt out of emails from The Bureaus, Inc. please allow 48 hours for processing.